Dear Dr. Liu,
Thank you for agreeing to review submissions for the ECCE 2020. You have been assigned the following digest(s) for review:
Paper ID: 1209
Title: Design Considerations of a compact battery wireless charger
To download the assigned digests and fill out the review forms please log onto our digest review system:
Login name:
Password: as set by you when you logged into the system for the first time.
This review has been assigned to you to ensure that we will have a sufficient number of high-quality reviews for every submitted digest in order to assemble the strongest possible technical program.
Please submit your review before March 10, 2020 in order to give us sufficient time to properly integrate your recommendations into our database. Your timely response is very much appreciated - thanks!
Your help is essential for the success of the conference and is greatly appreciated.
Chi-Kwan Lee